Cat (Catherine) Harnden

Cat will be joining MSSRT starting July 1st 2024. Cat will be directing the development of the club and working with our U14 - FIS athletes. We are thrilled to welcome Cat and bring her to our slice of ski racing paradise!

Elyse Burandt

Elyse will be leading our YSL athletes this fall starting with dryland activities and rolling right into the snow season. We are thrilled to have Elyse and have her back to where her racing career started!

Stefan burandt

Mike Dix

Kayla DorAme

Jesse Durrance

Jesse joined MSSRT as a coach in 2023. He grew up skiing and racing in the Aspen Valley Ski Club and the Green Mountain Valley School through high school. He worked as part of Folsom Skis for about 8 years developing custom skis. He moved to Spokane with his family in 2022. When not coaching, Jesse enjoys getting into the backcountry.

Kyle larson

Kyle joined MSSRT as a coach in 2023. He grew up racing at White Pass and competed through high school. He moved to Spokane to study Finance at Whitworth University.

Kat lamberson

Ava Anyan

A passionate U10s coach, Ava grew up racing at Mt. Spokane. Ava is currently a student at Montana State University and will return to MSSRT for her third season of coaching. Look for Ava at our December Holiday Camp!

AlliE Gardella

An avid skier, Allie spent 12 years in the race programs at Mt. Spokane before transitioning into coaching. Allie is currently a pre-nursing major at Montana State University and will return to MSSRT for her third season of coaching. Look for Allie at our December Holiday Camp!

Martyna Stepniak

Martyna is visiting from Poland where she grew up skiing throughout Europe with her family. She first arrived as an exchange student and returned to continue her education with aspirations to study medicine.

Billy Lang